Mike Abbott Cruise Photos
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The following pictures were presented to the association on our tour of the Bath Iron Works during our 50th anniversary reunion in Maine. Many of the pictures have never been published.
Click the pics to enlarge.
Shipmate Sam Bowers EN1 67-68 has opened a restaurant in  Winfield Indiana. The restaurant features a huge mural of the Belknap on one of the walls. The food has been sampled by shipmate Mike Abbott and found to be excellent.
Click the pics to enlarge.
The USS Claude V. Ricketts DDG 5 was one of the ships that came to the aid of the Belknap after the collision with the USS J.F. Kennedy. Upon learning that the Ricketts would be celebrating their 50th anniversary reunion in the same year as Belknap the association officers  created a proclamation to present to the USS Ricketts Association at their reunion.  Jim Farrow being a crew member at the time of the collision drafted the proclamation. Others contributed and then a color rendition of the proclamation with the Belknap image was produced by Dick Tremain.  The final product was printed on canvas and the Belknap seal was afixed  to the bottom. Jim Farrow and Skip McCarroll presented the proclamation to the USS Ricketts Association at their reunion in the DC area in July of 2014.
Here are some stories submitted by shipmates. We would like to hear your story. Submit one to webtech@ussbelknap.org
The Hard Core 100 by Terry Cribb
My  Navy Service by Bob Gilhooly
Collision by Eric Johnson  – USS Bordelon
Dick Tremain Thunder Roads Article
Counting Cars Bike Reveal Show